We all know how important it is to do your pelvic floor exercises – you can even do them discreetly on the bus. But now Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle blog Goop recommends squatting down and peeing in the shower to help "lengthen an uptight pelvic floor". Well that's a new one on us!


As well as a list of 10 exercises to do after waiting 6 weeks after you've given birth – the mum-of-2's blog also recommends doing "deep squats" while in the shower.

"Try peeing in the shower squatting down," the blog recommends. "When you squat to pee as opposed to sitting up straight on the toilet, you automatically engage your pelvic floor and it naturally stretches and tones. Because your urethra is pointed straight down in this position all you have to do is relax for urine to flow out easily—as opposed to sitting up straight and having to strain to empty your bladder."

The blog suggests it's not really an exercise but a "basic human movement that we’ve stopped doing regularly". Think peeing in the woods!

The move is said to "help create proper alignment in the pelvis, raise pelvic awareness, and help lengthen an “uptight” pelvic floor. The benefits of these types of squats are healthy elimination, relief from constipation, and increase in connection and tone in the pelvic floor".

So are you convinced? Will you try the deep squat? Let us know in the comments below.

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