With Take 10 to Play, brought to you with LEGO® DUPLO®, you can discover 10 brilliant 10-minute games to play with your child. Each game is specially designed to boost early learning, and to help you and your child create and connect together – for a smile-filled session of family fun.


This game is great for teaching your child to recognise and remember numbers by associating them with different colours and actions. Recognising numbers is an important stage in developing counting skills and making it a game means maths always feels like fun.

Here's how to play Bouncy Numbers…

What you'll need:

If you don’t have any DUPLO bricks with numbers on, you can tape numbers to regular bricks or tape numbers to clothes pegs

How to play

  • Line up your DUPLO bricks with numbers on and assign a different 'bouncy'activity to each number. So, for example: 1 = jump up, 2 = turn around twice; 3 = clap 3 times.
  • Talk this all through with your child, demonstrating the bouncy activities and then practising them with your child.
Looking at numbers with parent demonstrating
  • Put the bricks into a bowl and take it in turns with your child to pick a brick out.
Picking brick from the bowl
  • Encourage your child to remember and complete the right actions.
Child doing the actions

Extra ways to play Bouncy Numbers – for extra learning!

  • Add more numbered bricks to the bowl, so there are more actions to remember and perform
  • Get your child to think up the different actions
  • Pull out 2 bricks at once, so there are 2 actions to perform each time

More great Take 10 to Play ideas for games to play with your child…

Animal Magic

Boost your child's logical-thinking skills with a pick–and-sort game that's all about working out which animal belongs where. Extra points for making the right animal sounds, too!

Spot the Shape

Match the pattern to recreate the 3D shape you see: a logical-thinking game that develops your child's visual-spatial skills – and connects you both in some build-and-copy fun.


And if you want some singing fun, too

Get bouncing and counting with the LEGO® DUPLO® version of the classic toddler song 5 Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed. Learn how to count down from 5 to 1 as you watch the mischievous monkeys bump their heads one by one – and sing along to the catchy tune. See if you can spot the elephant, too!