The chance to spend quality time with your loved ones is a huge part of what makes the holidays so special. Of course, for lots of families that can mean regularly spending time out of your home and, often, on the road. That’s why it pays to have a car seat you can count on, such as the Joie Signature Sprint™.


Whether you’re driving, strolling or handing your child over to their grandparents for the day, Sprint’s one-click install makes life on the go easier than ever. Keep reading to discover how this game-changing car seat might just be your favourite Christmas purchase yet…

Travel made simple

Joie Signature Sprint | integrated ISOFIX baby car seat

Between all those fabulously festive days out and visits to see your nearest and dearest, it’s likely you’ll spend a lot of time in the car at this time of year, so you’ll want to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Designed to meet the needs of both parents and their children, Sprint will help make every journey run a little smoother.

Built with integrated ISOFIX connectors, the car seat installs securely into your vehicle’s anchor points for extra peace of mind. Plus, if you have grandparents or relatives helping you out, this excellent feature will make moving the Sprint from one vehicle to another quick and simple. And for those times when you need to get out of the car and on the move fast, you can partner the Sprint with your favourite Joie pushchair in just a few easy clicks.

As if all that wasn’t enough, the seat is also compatible with the Encore spinning base, which allows for a 90° spin at the touch of a button, so you can say goodbye to awkward overstretching and reduce the chances of waking your child as you carry them out of the car. What’s more, with R129 and i-Size certification, you can rest assured the Sprint meets the highest safety standards (including rigorous side impact testing), so your child will be safe and feel comfortable when you’re out on the road.

What other parents are saying

With an impressive five-star rating on the Joie website, the Sprint is quickly getting parents’ seal of approval. “It’s the best seat we’ve ever owned,” says dad Luke. “It’s made with high-quality materials and feels solid compared to other seats in its price range.” Also praising the clever ISOFIX mechanism, he adds: “It’s brilliant and makes it so easy to take the seat in and out of the car – no more huge, clunky bases and we can easily use it in our family’s cars when needed.”

Learn more about the Joie Sprint and make holiday travel safe, comfortable, and hassle-free for the whole family


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