14 of the best weaning Instagram accounts
Looking for baby led weaning inspiration? Perhaps you're running out of ideas for baby meals - or just don't know where to start? Our guide to the best BLW Instagrams to follow should help...

Coming up with exciting new foods for your little one to try during weaning can get quite tough - especially if you're not a natural whizz in the kitchen.
Luckily, there's loads of inspiration for baby led weaning every which way you turn. Firstly, there's some great ideas on the MadeForMums weaning app - and tons of stuff on Instagram, too.
Check out the best weaning inspo Instagrams to follow now...
1. Rebecca Wilson Food
Rebecca Wilson, formerly known as ‘What Mummy Makes’, has built a community for mums looking for fun and creative weaning recipe inspiration. With an Instagram account boasting almost 500k followers, two books and a mini podcast series with guests including Katie Piper and Anna Williamson, Rebecca's weaning account is certainly one you can rely on. Parent Tester Naomi says Rebecca is “great for inspiration, plus she pops the recipes in the caption.”
2. Solid Starts
Made up of a team of paediatric feeding expert and doctors, weaning Instagram account Solid Starts aims to show its 1.2 million followers how to introduce real food to babies. As well as introducing certain foods, Solid Starts dives into weaning-related topics such as preventing and reversing picky eating, how to prepare fruit and tips for toddlers refusing high chairs.
Solid Start's content carefully covers the whole weaning journey, with one of our Parent Testers Shannon saying "Solid Starts is good at showing how to offer food at different ages". Solid Starts also has a free app, which is essentially a searchable food database for babies.
3. SR Nutrition
SR Nutrition, a baby & child nutritionist and Sunday Times Bestselling Author, posts a colourful mix of BLW recipes to her 289k followers as well as exploring weaning talking points, from top tips for eating more veg to store cupboard weaning staples.
She’s a big fan amongst MFM testers, with Parent Tester Sibohan saying: “SR nutrition is great! She has a book which is really popular too and loads of info on her website.” Laura, another Parent Tester, says: “I followed her with my now 3 year old and she is a good eater and loves trying new things.”
4. My First Meals
All the recipes you see on My First Meals use only 5 ingredients (or less), perfect for busy parents looking for quick, simple and nourishing meals. Recipes include crispy gnocchi chips with avocado dip, blueberry yogurt muffins and cheesy apple and chicken pinwheels.
This weaning Instagram is a big fan with MFM Parent Testers: Danielle says recipes are “so easy but still tasty, with loads of inspiration saved on my highlights”. Charlotte says: “I’ve done so many of her recipes and they've all gone down a treat!”, while Manda says “she’s hilarious and her recipes are always simple to do, but tasty too”.
5. Baby Led Kitchen
Recipe creator and author Jo posts reels, graphics and creative recipes, with her captions including ingredients, which age they're suitable for and how they went down with her little ones. Recipes are creative and beautiful to look at, with dishes including porridge loaf, fritters, broccoli pesto muffins. Jo also has her own app, ‘The Baby Led Kitchen’ for more recipe inspiration, suitable from 6 months to independent eating. MFM tester Tanya says “the recipes are delicious, and we just cook the same thing for everyone."
6. Bubba’s Food Diary

This weaning Instagram account stays clear of sharing bland weaning recipes, instead exploring interesting flavours from worldwide cuisines such as African, Greek and Asian. Promising to keep recipes easy for busy lives, you can expect recipes such as cheesy naans and pakoras, udon noodle stir fries and spinach curry.
7. Ellie’s Whole Food Life

This baby weaning page focuses on egg substituted and veggie-friendly meals – think vegan pulled pork buns, egg-free butternut squash muffins and mini hash brown cups. There’s also plenty of sweet treats to trawl through, such as eggless crepes, vegan chocolate cupcakes and mini biscoff waffles.
8. Baby Led Eating
Hannah, from Baby Led Eating, keeps her followers updated with ideas for babies, toddlers and the whole family, with fun and inventive recipes such as 'muffin tray tapas' and savoury standouts including cheese potato and onion tart, orzo pasta bake and a tomato, courgette and pesto loaf. You can also expect general BLW info and reviews of products including bibs, suction mats and cutlery.
9. Food Safety Mum
Jenna is a qualified food safety expert, sharing her knowledge on all things freezing and reheating to her 12k followers. Expect expert advice on topics to help with your own journey, such as food poisoning, food allergen labelling changes, how and when to defrost leftovers and so much more!
10. Baby Led Weaning Cookbook
Natalie Peall posts colourful, easy-to-follow weaning recipes, from spring rolls to chocolate smoothies and spinach pancakes, as well as the weaning products she’s currently loving. Natalie is also the founder of ‘Baby Led Weaning Recipes’, a free app with over 250 weaning recipes (all suitable from 6 months), with monthly guides and routines.
11. Starting Solids
Weaning specialist Sarah posts easy-to-follow recipe content, as well as videos and graphics on topics such as how to serve fruit safely and blw-friendly, how much a toddler should eat and how to wean more sustainably. Sarah also hosts weaning and picky eating workshops, as well as 1:1 consultations for that extra bit of guidance.
12. At The Table With Toby
Follow mum Vicki's Instagram for honest reviews of how her homemade meals went down, plus the odd kids menu review when the family are out and about. Vicki's 'raid the fridge and chuck it in' recipes are dishes which all families have probably made from one time to another, such as gnocchi bakes made from spag bol leftovers, chicken satay noodles and creamy mushroom pasta. Most of Vicki's posts show the recipe in the caption, so it's easy for you to follow, too.
13. Zayne's Plate
Simone, a mum of 5 and recipe creator, regularly posts amazingly colourful baby (6 months+) and toddler meals to her 170k followers, with honest captions sharing what little Zayne did and didn't eat.
Simone's Instagram is both entertaining and informative, whether its a post on common choking hazards for kids under 4, a recipe for 4-ingredient pb & banana pancakes or a reel of her baby tasting chicken drumsticks for the first time. Simone is also the author of 'Baby-Led Weaning Made Easy', a cookbook which came out in 2021.
14. Wean in 15

Although Joe Wicks’ weaning Instagram isn’t updated as regularly as it used to, there’s still plenty of creative and adventurous recipes to check out, from cheesy salmon broccoli bake to jackfruit curry and lemon and asparagus risotto. Plus, there’s insight from Joe’s weaning experiences with guests including child nutritionsit @srnutrition.
P.S. Here's how to download the MadeForMums weaning app
Images: All Instagram
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