How to make breastmilk ice lollies
Is your baby uncomfortable in this heat? If you're breastfeeding (or pumping), you could always try making a simple breastmilk lolly to keep them cool over summer...

One of our lovely mum, Laura who is a member of our MadeForMums community, has had a brilliant idea for keeping her young baby cool in the heat: breastmilk ice lollies!
And she’s not the only one doing it: lots of our mums from our MadeForMums community have tried them, especially to help with sore gums during teething.
They’re probably not something you’d want them to have all the time, but certainly a lifesaver on the odd day when the weather’s a tad too warm...
So, how can you make breastmilk lollies at home?
All you’ll need is some ice lolly moulds (available in most supermarkets), a breast pump to help you express your milk, and a freezer to pop the lollies in.
As Laura explains: “It's just breast milk expressed and put into lolly moulds and then frozen.
“Great for this warm weather and lovely on her gums as well"
Typically, ice lollies take anywhere between 4 – 8 hours to freeze properly, so try to make your lollies the day before you need them
And naturally, not all little ones will be old enough to hold the lollies themselves, so they’re best used when you’re on hand to hold it for them, like Laura’s doing in the pic, above.
Can you make frozen formula milk lollies, too?
We've done some Google research on this, and, we have to say - not a lot's come up on the topic. We did find mention of it on one website though, called Wholesome Baby Food (though we don't know too much about this site as we've not come across it before) which said: “It is not advisable to freeze infant formula because the fat will separate.”
Image: Laura
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