
  • 1 Butternut squash
  • 2tbsp Olive oil
  • A splash of cooled boiled water


    • step 1

      Cut the butternut squash in half lengthways, and scoop out the seeds. Use a sharp knife to score a criss-cross pattern in the flesh.

    • step 2

      Place the squash skin-side down on a baking sheet. Drizzle olive oil over each half and then wrap in foil.

    • step 3

      Cook in the oven at 180C for 45 minutes. Remove and leave to cool.

    • step 4

      Scoop the flesh into a bowl and blend to the desired consistency, adding a little cooled boiled water or your baby's usual milk to thin it, if required.

    • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
    • Free from cow's milk (if made with cooled boiled water or breastmilk), egg, gluten and soya.

    Like this? Try these:

    * Butternut squash and apricot puree

    * Butternut squash and banana puree

    * Butternut squash and carroty mash with thyme

    * Weaning at 6 months: your week-by-week meal planner

    * Download our free, award-winning Weaning App
