
  • 50g Chicken mince
  • ½ Carrot
    peeled and diced
  • ½ Courgette
    peeled and diced
  • ½ Parsnip
    peeled and diced
  • ¼ Onion
  • 100g Couscous
  • 1 pinch of mixed herbs


    • step 1

      Bring a pan to the boil, and cook the carrot and parsnip until tender.

    • step 2

      Put the couscous in a bowl and add boiled water until just covered. Cover with a plate and leave for 5 minutes.

    • step 3

      Meanwhile fry the onion in a little oil, add the courgette, the herbs and the chicken and stir until cooked. When the veg are cooked, add to the chicken, onion and courgette, add half the couscous and mash to the desired consistency.

    • step 4

      Add the rest of the couscous.

    • step 5

      • As your baby gets older, you can leave out all of the cous cous until after you’ve mashed the chicken and veg, to get a lumpier texture.
      • You can also use chicken breast meat rather than mince as your baby matures.