Your baby will also get some tummy time to help with physical development

Age Suitability:

Babies can attend baby sensory classes from birth. In a formal class setting your baby will be put in an age specific class that will take account of your baby’s stage of development. If you're attending a sensory room as a one-off you may find a wide range in the ages of the babies present.


What your child will do:

Baby sensory classes do what they say on the tin – they work to engage your baby’s senses through a range of activities. A welcome song is usually sung at the beginning to signify the start of the class before the class leader starts the sensory play sessions.

Lots of props and equipment are used including bubbles, projector shows and lights. Your baby’s sense of sound will be developed through singing and the use of instruments. You may find that elements of other baby classes are included in your sensory class including massage (stimulating physical touch), signing, singing, story telling and baby gymnastics.

Class structure

Some baby sensory providers will follow a structured class plan, which will focus on specific developments and milestones for your baby to experience and achieve. As your baby progresses through classes, he'll be exposed to a variety of sensory experiences that can in turn help strengthen your bond and relationship.

Time is usually allowed at the end of a class for your baby to do some sensory exploring on their own in a safe play area or with materials provided centrally within the group.

How will your baby benefit:

His self-awareness and awareness of others and the world around him can be enhanced through a sensory class. And by going to class on a regular basis you and your baby will become more aware their senses and how to enagage them.

His physical skills will benefit as his co-ordination develops and he is gently introduced to tummy time, physical touch and active movement (for example, introducing your baby to the sensation of up and down). Communication skills are worked on through the inclusion of songs and nursery rhymes as well as some basic baby signing gestures.

Baby Sensory offers a range of classes and courses across the UK. Sensory-based sessions and rooms may also be available in your local Children’s Centre.


Likely Cost:

Medium (approximately £5 to £10 per class) depending on location. Where applicable, charges for sensory rooms or sensory activities in Children’s Centres will vary.
