
  • 2 Peaches
  • 1 Scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • 1 Sprig of fresh mint
  • 1 cup of Raspberries


    • step 1

      Bring a pan of water to the boil then turn down to simmer.

    • step 2

      Cut the peaches in half, take out the stone, and poach for 3-4 minutes on each side – the peaches may need longer depending on how ripe they are. Check that the peach flesh is soft on the cut side before removing.

    • step 3

      Transfer the poached peaches to a plate and remove their skins. When the peaches have cooled down, you can remove the stone if not done earlier.

    • step 4

      Reserve a couple of raspberries for garnish. Blend the remaining raspberries. Sieve to remove any pits.

    • step 5

      Chop the poached peaches into small chunks or mash lightly. Add to a serving bowl and add a small scoop of ice cream. Spoon over the raspberry puree.

    • step 6

      Decorate with a sprig of mint and whole raspberries.

    • step 7

      *You could substitute fresh raspberries for the frozen variety if out of season.
