New mum Katie Piper has revealed how hard she found the first few weeks of motherhood – and how guilty she felt as she struggled to breastfeed her baby Belle.


"There have been times when I couldn’t settle her at night or when she continued to cry after being changed and fed, and I found myself saying, 'Am I no good at this? What have I done wrong?'" she's written in her OK! magazine column.

Looking back at those early days – Belle is now 3 months old – Katie thinks she was far too self-critical. "The hormones and the sleep deprivation made me be far too harsh on myself," she's said.

Katie also admits she really struggled with breastfeeding despite being "really determined" to breastfeed for as long as she could.

"Belle struggled to put weight on initially," said Katie, "because I couldn’t produce enough milk. I was pumping, expressing, eating nutritious food, letting her suckle all day but in the end I was putting so much pressure on myself, I had even less milk as a result."

Do you understand how Katie feels? Did you find the early days of motherhood a struggle? Do please leave a comment and let us know...

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