Katie Price’s baby boy has breathing difficulties. He was born 8 weeks prematurely and is in a special care unit in a European hospital.


Katie, 35, was on holiday when her waters broke while she was 31 weeks pregnant. Hospitalised for a week, the baby was born by caesarean section when she was 32 weeks pregnant.

She Tweeted: “Me & @kieran0322 miss home soo much & miss our family & friends its been 5 weeks now! Jett still in baby unit with breathing problems :(("

Katie’s mum has flown out to support her and husband, Kieran Hayler.

Katie wrote in her column in the Sun: “I'm still abroad as Jett has now developed breathing problems. No idea when we are back. I flew our mums out to visit us this week. No matter how old you are, you always need your mum when the chips are down.”

She has described this birth as “a nightmare”. This is Katie’s fourth child, she has a son, Harvey, with Dwight York, and two children, Junior and Princess with Peter Andre.

