Parents at a school in Bath have been told that children cannot hand out birthday-party invitations unless they invite the whole class.


Headteacher Mark Brearey says inviting only a small group of friends is "unkind", against the prep-school's "inclusive" Christian values, and could have a "serious impact on [the] wellbeing" of those who are left out.

He sent parents a letter saying: “Please could you avoid bringing any party invitations into school that do not include all children in a particular class or year group.”

And he added later, in a statement: “We are an inclusive school. Kindness is something we really value with young children, and we don't like children to feel like they are being excluded.

“I do not think a child coming into school and handing out invites to some children and not others is very kind. It can leave the children who are not invited feel sad and unsettled.

“I am not saying that parents have to invite every child to the party, I am just saying, if you are going to only invite a few, do it over text, emails or phone calls instead."

We asked on MadeForMum's Twitter page for your reaction to the ban - and your opinion was pretty split: "What utter rubbish!" said one follower. “But how would parents feel if it was their child not invited to a party? Totally for whole class policy. Good for the head,” replied another.

Over to you! What do you think of the headteacher’s opinion? Please do tell...

