Well, who'd have thought it? Turns out mum-of-1 Blake Lively gets frustrated by ‘perfect’ mums on Instagram, just like the rest of us.


The pregnant The Shallows actress said a few things we really, really like during a brilliantly frank chat with US chat show host (and new dad) Seth Meyers.

Firstly, she jokingly took Seth to task for 'assuming' she was expecting…

“What makes you say that?” she mocked, looking at her growing bump. “You know you don’t ever say that to a woman.”

And when asked by Seth how she’s feeling about taking care of a toddler AND a newborn, Blake quipped:

“I feel like at 1.5 years [James] is equipped to be a babysitter, right? So I can go out on date night?”

(Ohhh, if only they were, eh? ?)

But the one thing she talked about – which we reckon is super important – is the trend of mums on Instagram glossing over the reality of parenting with ‘perfect squares’, something we’ve touched on here at MFM before.

“There’s the lady on Instagram I used to love – her name is OldJoy,” Blake began.

“She makes everything look so lovely. Everything is white, she always has a fresh-baked blueberry pie, and scones and clotted cream and she’s always reading Old Man And The Sea, and her little boy is rolly, [wearing] bonnets…

"Like, it’s amazing… and her toddler’s giving her a reflexology massage. What?!

"My kid's playing with like, explosive devices. I don’t know where she’s found them, [and she's] sticking them in our dog’s ear.

"She already knows how to fix drywall because she puts holes in the wall. I can’t even…

"I went from loving [OldJoy] to wanting to kidnap her, so she won’t post anymore torture for me!

"She’s like, 'oh they’re both sleeping at the same time, what do I do?' What do you do?" Blake continued, exasperated.

"You high five yourself until your blue in the face! You’re the greatest parent ever."

You know, it can be tricky to really relate to celeb mums sometimes, because obviously their lifestyles can be very different to our own.

But we’ve gotta admit: it’s really refreshing to see that even someone as lucky as Blake – whose job means she always looks super glamorous and probably has a bit of flexibility with her work schedule – suffers from the same Instagram envy (and pressure) as we do.

Especially since some mums might look at Blake’s own life (and husband – hello, Ryan Reynolds ?) and feel the green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head.

Very refreshing, indeed ?

Watch the clip here...

Do you agree with Blake’s dismay for how some mums portray parenting on Instagram? Or do you take these accounts with a pinch of salt nowadays?

We’d love to know on Facebook and Twitter!

Image/Video: Getty/YouTube

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