New mum Jessica Biel has said that before she fell pregnant with her 5-month-old son Silas, she had no idea whether or not she would be able to conceive after years on the pill.


Jessica, who is married to Justin Timberlake, was speaking as she launched a new online health resource for young women.

No doubt echoing the concerns of many women who have used the pill or contraceptive implant for quite a while, the 33-year-old said that she had worried about 'how hard' it would be for her and Justin to have a baby, and admitted she didn't have a clue about how her own body worked!

"[I thought] Now what happens? I've been on the pill for so long; how hard will it be to get pregnant?! Suddenly I realised I really didn't know what's going on inside my own body. It was shocking."

Everything was thankfully in order though, and Jessica and Justin welcomed baby Silas back in April, with Justin seemingly beside himself with joy throughout his wife's pregnancy. Who can forget his teary iHeart Radio Awards appearance where he congratulated her on their 'greatest creation' before the baby was even born!


Joking aside however, Jessica's revelations out about her own lack of reproductive knowledge was for the greater good - she is currently involved with 'sex ed unfiltered' video content on the WomanCare Global, founded by activist and advocate for women, Saundra Pelletier. The site aims to be a place where girls and young women can share their stories, concerns and questions about health, puberty and contraception.

Speaking to, Jessica said it was hugely important that young women have access to info about their bodies:

"We want girls to know what their [body is going through] so they don't feel scared or ashamed or gross. The tone is informative but also goofy, smart, witty,” she said, while her colleague Saundra added that in the America, more than half of pregnancies are unplanned, and just 22 states require public schools to teach sex education. “Jessica and I realised we can help change this,” she said. "We need to get young adults this information in a variety of ways. There is power and dignity in understanding your body."

Fab resource – and hopefully Jessica has boned up on all the necessary info now!

Picture: Getty & Instagram

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