A pregnant weather girl who was branded a "sausage in casing" has hit back at her critics. Meteorologist Katie Fehlinger is in her 35th week of pregnancy with twins and has continued to present the weather every day on CBS 3 Philly in America.


But the 41-year-old has been trolled with hateful comments about her pregnant appearance on social media – and now her open letter to her "haters" has gone viral. She wrote on her Facebook page:
"A message for the haters...

Hey guys! Once more, I have to get something off my chest. So, the nature of my job makes me an easy target for criticism. I will always understand that, and I will most typically just ignore it. However, after someone blatantly called me a "sausage in casing" and another declared that "sticking your pregnant abdomen out like that is disgusting", I felt a need to draw a line and speak up.

Everyone's right to their opinion is important, but so are manners. And while rude comments like these will never make me feel the need to change anything about myself, I find a bigger underlying issue here. These particular nasty-grams were directed at a pregnant woman.


"So this little manifesto of sorts is dedicated to every mother out there - other pregnant moms-to-be, moms reading this while their toddlers play on the swing set, moms whose kids have long since gone off to college...

You are beautiful.

Even during the most uncomfortable - and let's face it, less than glamorous - symptoms of pregnancy, what women go through to bring their precious children into the world is, simply put, AMAZING and you should be lauded.

Frankly, I don't care how "terrible" or "inappropriate" anyone thinks I look. I will gladly gain 50 pounds & suffer sleepless, uncomfortable nights if it means upping my chances to deliver 2 healthy baby girls. Now it's about more than aesthetics. I want these babies to have the best start possible. And that hopefully means my belly that "looks like it's about to explode!" will continue to grow the next few weeks.

I say let's raise a Shirley Temple to swollen feet, stretch marks, nausea, all the extra pounds and the dark circles! They're badges of motherhood. And for those of you who think that's "disgusting", remember a woman went through the very same thing to bring YOU into the world.

In the meantime, let's all remember the lesson Mom taught us - if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."

The post has now been liked over 74,000 times and women have rushed to comment their words of support.

"How on EARTH can anyone shame a pregnant body? You have to be the most miserable, hateful & stupid person alive to feel a need to say rude things about a complete stranger- let alone a pregnant one. Would they say that to their mothers?? I think not. You look amazing, just like every other pregnant woman on the planet," one user commented. "How can the creation of life be disgusting in any form? What a perverted world some people live in. Pregnancy is beautiful no matter the size!!" another added.

Here, here!


Update: Kate has since given birth to twins. She confessed on Facebook (22nd September) that during her pregnancy, one of her babies wasn't growing as quickly as she should. "While Parker grew very well & thrived, her sister was always playing catch up. At one point, Kaeden was so substantially behind in her growth, the doctor prepared us for the worst...we can just leave it at that."

She revealed because of this, that her 9 month pregnancy was a roller coaster and referring back to the baby bump haters she added: "There was always more to the story. The bigger my protruding belly got, the better their chance to be born healthy...and we had a very real concern they might not. I guess you can chalk it up to these ever-growing protective Mama bear instincts."

Thankfully, after some time in intensive care, both twins are healthy and at home with mum. Congratulations!

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