Mum hilariously dances through contractions as her waters break
Yuki Nishizawa performs an impressive two-step while in labour

When you're in labour and 7 centimetres dilated, the last thing you feel like doing is busting a groove. But that's just what Yuki Nishizawa did – dancing her pains away to 90s hit Tootsee Roll.
Yuki set her tablet up with the music video on her bed and got grooving – much to the amusement of a nurse in the background! The mum was awaiting the birth of her second child at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. And when she started dancing, her husband, Connell Cloyd, knew to get filming. "I know I shouldn't be laughing as a husband, but she said she wanted to be famous, so I guess this is how you do it," he says in the video.
"My water is breaking!" she laughs as she performs a side shuffle and two-step. Good on you girl!
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