Special delivery!

This mum took a whole post office by surprise when she went into unexpected labour – with the post master helping deliver her first class baby!

Deliever your baby using YouTube!

You-Tube labour

When this man’s wife suddenly went into labour, he checked out some YouTube videos to help him deliver his son!

This mum gave birth in a bus, instead of an ambulance!

Bus baby

Imagine being in the first stages of labour, so you jump the bus to hospital – but don’t quite make it in time... this mum knows exactly how it feels!

An amazing entry into the world...

Toilet seat tot

This little ones mum was in the loo on a train, at the time of her labour – what happened next is something this mum will never forget…

Giving birth whilst driving? Talk about milti-tasking!

Delivery drive!

An American mum-to-be gave birth whilst driving – yes driving! – herself to hospital… Talk about multi-tasking!

This pregnant woman popped to the shops and came home with a baby!

Supermarket delivery

Staff at Asda had to find their midwifery skills as this shopper went into unexpected labour while doing her weekly shop!

Named after an elevator?

Baby Elevator?

This little one was named after the place she was born in – can you guess what?

This little one was delievered by his big brother!

Mini midwife

When this mum-to-be went into labour, it’s lucky her 12-year-old son was at home…

Born in the sky, flying high!

Born 2,000 feet in the air!

This mum went into labour while on a plane! Was there a doctor on board?

Born at sea...

Natural-born sailor

We wouldn’t be surprised if this little boy grows up to be a captain on a ship or even a coastguard rescuer, after his dramatic birth…
