Mums and dads are still reluctant to admit their child has head lice, according to a new survey.


Having ‘nits’ (in fact the nits are actually the eggs, the insects are the lice) clearly remains a massive social taboo, despite the fact that the majority of families will experience them at some point during the early school years.

It’s the dads who are less honest than mums, it seems, as the research, conducted by makers of head lice treatments, Lyclear, revealed that 1 in 4 dads (29%) compared with 1 in 5 mums (20%) don’t tell the school or other mums and dads when their child has head lice.

Head lice was also revealed to be one of the biggest school worries for parents, with 61% of mums saying that their child coming home with head lice was their greatest school fear.

“It’s quite worrying that parents still feel there is a huge stigma attached to their child having head lice,” said Louise White from Lyclear.


If you’re worried about your little one catching head lice, our guide to head lice and nits will give you all the tips needed to recognize the little tykes and, more importantly, get rid of them!
