There's a story doing the rounds today of a little boy in Ireland who's only gone and got himself stuck in a... wait for it... toy grabber machine! Bless him.


We have to say we've seen it happen before (yep - kids do this more often than you think), but it did make us look into all those other times kids have got stuck in weird and wonderful places, like...

1. An iron gate

Little Rachel Warren found herself with her head between the bars of an iron gate. According to her mum, Carlene, she'd watched her pet Rottweiler Tess push her head through the gate many times and decided to do the same.


Read the full story

2. In the potty

MadeForMums has covered a few stories about little ones getting over-familiar with their potties.

We've shared 2 stories in the past - one about toddler Alana O'Connor, who got her head stuck in a portable potty when she was out shopping with her mum, and one about a 2-year-old boy in Australia who did exactly the same thing.

Both times the fire brigade had to be called out, and both times the little ones were left unharmed. Though we're guessing they didn't go for the 'potty hat' look again... ?

3. In the toy grabber machine

No matter how many times we see a kid in a claw machine, we always take a second look. How do they get in there?! And once they're in - they just look so cute surrounded by all those toys!

Though we do hope no one starts the grabber while they're still stuck...

4. In a revolving door

Now, this is one we totally get.

Even as adults a fair few of us have admitted we have trouble negotiating revolving doors - when to step in, when to step out and all that.

So we really felt for this 5-year-old boy who got his foot trapped in one in North West China.

Luckily, his 3-year-old sister was in there with him, and comforted him until the fire service arrived and helped him out. Awwww.

5. Down the toilet

So, who's got/had a kid that's super-impatient to move from the potty to the big toilet?

Only problem - they might just fall down it, right?

We don't know the full back story behind this pic, but we can tell you we spotted it on an aptly-named YouTube video called 'Kids stuck in stuff'.

What do you think?

Are any of these stories familiar? Perhaps your little one's got stuck somewhere even stranger? Tell us over on Facebook or in the comments below.

Photos: Youtube/Disasterbator, Carlene Warren, Facebook/Diane O'Neill, YouTube/AFV in association with Buzzfeed

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
