A survey of 2,000 mums has revealed that 5.55pm is the most stressful point in the day. The combination of cooking dinner for the kids, running them to their after-school activities and dealing with work emails makes this precise time the most stressful, the study, commissioned by Betterbathrooms.com, shows.


Dinner-time is the biggest source of frustration for most mums, as many find it a chore to convince children to sit down and eat their food. Of the mums surveyed:

  • Nearly half admit they have to cook different meals for different family members
  • Nearly half have had their children refuse to eat their dinners or say they dislike their cooking
  • More than half say they often lose their tempers during mealtimes and many end up letting children eat in front of the TV or throw away food to just get some peace and quiet
  • Nearly half confess to serving unhealthy food because they lack the time to cook a meal from scratch

Of course it’s not just mealtimes that stresses us out! The study also revealed:

  • Bath-time is the second most stressful time of day with many mums saying they are just too tired to make it fun and they rush it.
  • Bed-time is the third most stressful time of day with complaints that partners never help and admissions to caving in to children’s pleas to stay up later.
  • The morning school run and getting the homework done are the fourth and fifth most stressful parts of day.

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