Alec Baldwin has posted a Instagram pic of his 7-month-old baby daughter Carmen sporting a twinkly little pair of stud earrings.


Alec's wife, and Carmen's mum, Hilaria comes from Mallorca, and it’s not uncommon for daughters in Spanish families to have their ears pierced before their first birthday.

But the Hollywood couple did admit they found the whole baby ear-piercing thing a bit traumatic.

"The other day, we got Carmen's ears pierced," Hilaria told Hello! magazine, "and she cried for a few seconds. But I cried way more!"

In fact, both she and new-dad Alec, 55, had a bit of a weep, Hilaria admitted.

What do you think? Do you think it's wrong to pierce a baby's ears? Or not? Would you/did you do it? Do please tell!

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MadeForMums Writer - Jessica Gibb
