AMAZING VIDEO - Iron Baby becomes YouTube hit!
Baby girl dresses up as mini Iron Man superhero in parody short film

Blasting onto our screens in her iron-clad outfit, beaming into the air and fighting off the bad guys – baby Margaret has caused quite a storm after her daddy posted her adventure on YouTube.
The unlikely superhero, dubbed ‘Iron Baby’, has become an internet sensation after her dad took his inspiration from the hit film, Iron Man, and transformed his daughter into a laser beam fighting comic-strip hero using clever 3D special effects.
Starting off as a normal baby playing with her toys, Margaret’s alter ego ‘Tony Stark’ kicks in and digitally changes into ‘Iron Baby’. Flying into the air, the baby fends off evil bunny rabbits firing laser beams from the palm of her hands.
The entertaining clip took Margaret’s parents 2 months to make and has so far attracted 2.6 million hits.
What do you think of ‘Iron Baby?’