Would you put your baby girl in a wig so people don’t mistake her for a boy?


A mother-and-daughter-run company, Baby Bangs, was created for just that reason. Lisa Griggs-Campbell is a hair replacement artist. After her first granddaughter was born, she started experimenting with creating a miniature hairpiece suitable for newborns. "My daughter Whitney would bring Wren over so I could try out different hairpieces I created,” she writes on her website.

The online store has provoked an angry response on Twitter:

“Weird. Disturbing. Wigs for baby girls,” tweets @ayiasophia

“There’s a website selling wigs for baby girls so they don’t get mistaken for baby boys. It starts early,” says @pandy92

“Who would do this? Would you put your baby girl in a WIG? Outrage at company offering hairpieces for bald baby girls,” writes @kyektulu

What do you think? Are baby wigs cute or inappropriate?

