Your child’s 1st day at any new school, playgroup or activity can be a nerve-wracking experience.


Never mind for them, we mean for us - the parents.

Because we just want them to be feel comfortable, to fit in, and have a great time, right?

And it would seem that former Blue Peter presenter Helen Skelton-Myler was no exception when it came to her son Ernie's 1st day at a new playgroup.

Helen, who now lives in France with rugby player husband Richie Myler, tweeted about taking her little one to a new French creche, writing:

"French play group .... let's do this .... why do I feel sick ..... #nervousparent #family #mum #toddler #childcare #school #family”

ernie myler

She also posted a lovely snap of Ernie making his way towards the doors ?

But it wasn’t long after the original tweet that Helen said the dreaded 1st day had been cut short - when the playgroup asked her to leave, due to Ernie having a typical toddler meltdown.

"Worst day of my parenting life. Asked to leave after 20 mins. Screamed the place down screaming his version of "mama let's go!” Constantly,” she wrote alongside a selfie, featuring Ernie all tuckered out in his car seat on the way home.

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Hmm... we’ve all been here in some form or another, right?

But lots of Helen's followers showed their support - knowing just what it's like to go through exactly the same thing.

"It happens to us all. If it's a decent playgroup, they'll have you back and discuss ways to help him settle in better. Chin up x," said one fan.

"I had the same with my youngest. Now he gets upset when I pick him up as he doesn't want to leave! They all settle eventually!" said another.

Sometimes it can’t be helped if a situation’s just not working out - and it’s totally understandable that someone like a teacher might need to bring it up, or even ask (politely) to leave.

After all, your little one might just need an extra day to adjust to the big change that is a new school, or should try that ballet class again when they’re a bit older.

Naturally, being asked to leave can be more than a little bit embarrassing, especially if you were already nervous in the first place ?

That said, in this case (not that we were there), we're not 100% sure that asking them to leave 20 mins in was the best idea - surely it would’ve been more productive for the staff to encourage him to stick it out and make him feel welcome?

Regardless, Helen didn’t seem to realise that her honest tweet would resonate with so many parents and make national news.

She even went as far to defend the creche - saying it wasn't their fault.

"Wow storm in a tea cup,” she tweeted again. “We love the French crèche. Staff are superb! Can't account for a toddler mood sometimes! My fault not theirs xx”

We're so glad Helen doesn't begrudge the nursery... but we definitely hope Helen didn’t feel like she needed to justify for what she originally wrote!

Really, we reckon it’s probably no one’s fault - it’s just one of those things ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Have your say

Does Helen’s situation ring a bell - have you ever found yourself being asked to leave because of your toddler’s tantrum?

What was the ‘worst parenting day' of your life?

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Images: Instagram/Helen Skelton-Myler

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