After weeks of pregnancy rumours, Jennifer Garner finally confirmed at the end of August that she's expecting her third child. No further details about her baby's gender or due date have been revealed but hubby Ben Affleck is seriously keen for his two daughters, Violet Anne, 5, and Seraphina Rose Elizabeth, 2, to have a baby brother.


"He loves his little girls but he really wants a son he can roughhouse with and share his love of sports," a source reportedly told Showbiz Spy.

"His dream is to sit alongside his boy at Fenway Park and cheer on his beloved Boston Red Sox," continued the source.

It seems Ben isn't leaving anything to luck - he has reportedly been encouraging Jen to wear men's underwear as much as possible and eat lots of red meat to boost the chances of her having a boy!

"Old wives' tales or not, Ben was so serious about having a son, he'd massage Jen's neck and whisper, 'Think boy, think boy!'," the source added.

Over in the household of Ben's pal Matt Damon, the Contagion actor has been teased about living in a house with 5 girls.

"There's a whole book written about choosing the sex of your kid. After three girls, my wife and I said, 'Let's buy the book," Then we thought...we've got three kids, that's plenty for anybody," Matt told Regis and Kelly on LIVE!, reports Celebrity Baby Scoop.

Matt and his wife, Luciana Barroso, have four girls, Alexia, 13, Isabella, 5, Gia, 3, and Luciana recently gave birth to the family's fourth daughter, Stella, 10 months. Perhaps Matt should have bought that book...

Did you or your partner do anything crazy to increase your chances of having a specific gender?

