Ben Fogle’s sister Tamara was admitted to the Lindo Wing St Mary’s Hospital as the same time as the Duchess of Cambridge.


“I am on baby watch,” Ben Fogle wrote last week in the Telegraph. “The world may be holding its breath for the arrival of the royal baby, but this is the ‘other’ baby.”

While the royal baby was born later on that afternoon, Tamara’s took a little longer to arrive.

Ben took to Twitter to share the progress. When his sister went into labour, he tweeted: “Like buses. You wait for ages and then two come along at the same time … #theotherbaby”.

But the next day, after Tamara’s baby still hadn’t arrived, he wrote, “one of those busses is stuck in traffic”.

After a grueling labour, Tamara eventually gave birth late on July 23. “Another boy!! Thank goodness for epidurals!” Ben proudly tweeted.

Ben, father to Ludo and Iona, is excited to be known as Uncle Ben “after the rice”. He said: “As a child I used to stare at the iconic orange box and imagine how funny it would be to have a rice named after me. The time has come.”

Ben, his wife Marina, and his sister Tamara are good friends with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Ben and Marina attended the royal wedding, and the two mothers are said to be part of the same ‘bump class’ as Kate and the Fogles and Tamara live close to Kensington Palace.

