If you’re a Facebook user, you might have noticed an advert for the ‘See how your baby will look like?’ app, which promises to combine your picture and your partner’s to see what your baby will look like. As tempting as it might be (especially if you’re a mum-to-be) social media experts from Online Social Media have warned you should avoid clicking on it, as it’s the latest online scam.


Relying on a cute picture to entice you in, the dangerous app is crafty malware, which copies its malicious code into your browser. If you click, you’ll be sent to a page with a blue button saying ‘Show Me’. When you click on that, the scammers ask you to hold down CTRL and press C, CTRL D and CTRL V and then ENTER. This enables them to direct you to an unrelated survey but earn them commission on the app, even though you haven’t used it.

If you see this app on your Facebook newsfeed, make sure you tell your online friends not to download it.

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