A blind boy can see the world by clicking his tongue and listening for the echoes rather like a bat, reports the Daily Mail.


Lucas Murray, 7, is among the first youngsters in Britain to use the technique, which lets him discover where and how big objects are by listening out for the echoes that bounce back to him.

The skill has transformed his life and means he can play with other children.

“We went through real grief when Lucas was younger, but now he’s so independent, his mobility is fantastic and he hardly ever needs to ask for help. It’s given him a fantastic future. Now he can do all the things he dreams of doing,” said mum Sarah.

Echolocation, a skill normally used by bats, involves clicking the tongue on the roof of the mouth. Lucas can then work out how far away an object is by the time it takes for the echo to travel back to him.

He’s also able to estimate the size of an object by the intensity of the echo, which means he can now play his favourite sport – basketball. “I love basketball and it’s much easier to play now that I can use my click to find out where the hoop is. It was quite hard to learn what the echoes meant at first but now I find it a lot easier.”


The technique was pioneered by blind Daniel Kish, 41, from California, who spent three days working with Lucas and his family.
