The mum of a 5-year-old boy has reacted with fury after he was banned from his after school club for wearing girls’ dresses.


"I was so cross when I was told he couldn’t wear dresses," says Georgina. "I was speechless. All I could ask was: why?"

Georgina says her little son likes to dress up in princess dresses and his favourite colour is pink.

"Wearing a dress is his choice," she says, "and, if wearing it makes him happy, it's fine with me. He’s a normal boy who, because he has three big sisters, likes wearing dresses. What is wrong with that?"

The after school club has apparently said Romeo's love of girls’ clothing was ‘confusing’ the other children. They've said he can only rejoin the club if he wears ‘gender-appropriate’ clothes.

"Georgina's son has been asked to wear clothing of the gender stated on his registration form, which states male," says the lady who runs the club. "We did this in order to avoid any confusion or possible conflict or teasing from other children.

What do you think?

Should little boys be able to wear girls' clothes if they like? Or is the club right to say other children will be confused and the boy in girls' clothes might be teased?

Do please tell us your thoughts in the comments box below!

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