Bugaboo Bee pushchair safety alert
Brake failure linked to Bugaboo Bees - free bracket set to fix the problem is available to parents.

Bugaboo, the well-known buggy brand, has announced that one of its pushchair models, the Bugaboo Bee, has problems with its brakes. It is now offering parents free bracket sets to correct the problem.
On the Bugaboo website, the company states that they were made aware of the brake issues in March 2009.
Despite Bugaboo being aware of the design flaw, thousand of parents who purchased the Bee before the problem was fixed were not told or alerted through product safety warnings normally released in these kinds of situations, according to the Telegraph.
On its website, Bugaboo posted an updated announcement, which states, “In March 2009 we found out that there had been some cases that the Bugaboo Bee brake has not worked properly after a period of time in use. For this reason, we have taken precautionary measures and developed a set of brackets that can be easily clicked onto the rear wheels of the pushchair in order to secure the brake function. The brackets are now integrated into the Bugaboo Bee during production.”
From around May 2009, the Bee has been made with the brackets. If your Bee was manufactured before this, you can get a free bracket set by completing a form on Bugaboo’s website or heading to your place of purchase.
One mum, who experienced brake failure on the Bugaboo Bee she purchased from Mothercare, became aware that both the retailer Mothercare and Bugaboo knew there was a brake problem, reports the Daily Mail.
Bugaboo said it took the right steps, such as notifying trading standards, and that it was up to retailers to alert parents. The Daily Mail reports that Mothercare admitted it should have done more to let customers know. “We are urgently contacting all our customers who have buggies that are affected. We recognise that we should have contacted customers sooner and we apologise,” Mothercare said.