Pushchairs, car seats and cots - how is coronavirus affecting stock and availability?
Worried about getting hold of a pushchair or car seat during coronavirus? We've spoken to some of the top baby brands about their product availability

If you're currently pregnant, one of the unexpected worries you may be facing is when you'll get delivery of key baby products such as pushchairs and car seats. We know babies won't wait but the closure of Far East factories earlier in the year has affected the supply of certain goods. Many Chinese factories are open again and product lines are back in action, so how affected are pregnancy and baby product manufacturers? We ask the companies themselves...
I'm in the first or early second trimester of pregnancy - should I buy my pushchair or car seat now?
If you're worried about getting hold of big baby items, such as a pushchair or car seat, later on in your pregnancy we'd say don't over worry and rush to buy now.
From speaking to key baby brands including Bugaboo, UPPAbaby, iCandy, Joie and Babyzen, the general answer is that while there might be a temporary delay with a couple of products, they are managing keep on top of stock and fulfil incoming orders.
How will I be able to buy big items, such as pushchairs or car seats?
As most retailers, such as John Lewis, have shut their stores, your current option is to buy online. Many of the key nursery retailers are still operating an online service.
When we spoke to key baby brands who sell directly to customers, including Bugaboo and iCandy, they have also said their online stores are operating as usual.
If you haven't managed to take a buggy for a test run in store, take a look at our MFM reviews to see how our expert reviewers found them on test runs and using day to day.
What if I've ordered something but it hasn't arrived?
Some brands have been experiencing a temporary delay in products, so you might find your order hasn't arrived as soon as expected.
The best thing to do in this situation would be to email the customer service team where you've bought the product from, whether that's a retailer or from the brand directly.
Customer service telephone lines are going to be busy at the moment with limited services, so most brands are asking that you email them so they can deal with the increase in customer queries.
Here's what some key baby brands had to say...

If you're looking to buy one of iCandy's popular pushchairs, like the Peach or Lime, you shouldn't struggle to get hold of one as its stock levels haven't been affected, according to the brand. However you may struggle to get hold of certain colours and designs.
"Although our fabric producers experienced issues, we were able to alleviate any detrimental impact as we had pre ordered large quantities of Peach fabrics based on vast presales and the positive reaction to the new fabrics and colourways", says Graham Boyle, head of buying at iCandy.
"The only delays we are experiencing are due to popularity of certain key lines, for example Peach Dark Grey Twill has had so many presales that each arrival is just fulfilling existing orders."
iCandy is still taking orders and has said its warehouse team is working to ensure orders and fulfilled and that its taken "substantial steps" to implement anti-virus measures for these members of staff.
If you have any issues or questions for iCandy you can contact their customer services via email at customerservices@icandyuk.com.

Bugaboo is set to launch its new Fox2 and Donkey3 pushchairs on 1 April. It's said this is to go as planned and that customers will be able to get hold of the new pushchairs online, where it's also offering free delivery.
"Stock availability is good and these products are available through online channels while the retail situation is affected by closures," says Bugaboo UK.
Bugaboo has said the best way to find out about any updates to its stock is on its website and across all of its social media channels. You can also contact the brand online if you have any queries, through its customer support page.

UPPAbaby has just launched its brand new V2 range, which includes new versions of the Cruz and Vista pushchairs, and has said customers may experience some temporary delays.
"We may have some short delays around the end of April when the initial supply runs out, but only for 2-3 weeks," says Richard Bamforth, UPPAbaby's UK sales director.
The brand sells its pushchairs through UK retailers like John Lewis and Mamas & Papas, so if you have any queries or questions it has said it's best to contact the retailer directly.

Babyzen launched its brand new YOYO² at the beginning of March and has said its currently got a good level of stock across its main range. However you may not be able to get hold of some colours for the colour packs and accessories.
If you have any questions for Babyzen about its range, it has said the best way to get in touch is via email rather than trying to call as its telephone services are limited at the moment.

Joie, well known for its wide range of pushchairs and car seats, has said its "feeling a bit of a pinch at the moment" with a couple of products out stock and some that have been slightly delayed.
Having said that it has said it's working really hard to make sure there's a minimal impact to its customers.
As Joie only sells through retailers, it has said that if customers are experiencing any problems or have any questions then it's best to get in touch with the retailers directly.

Sabrina is an award-winning journalist, including receiving the prestigious PPA 30 under 30 accolade in 2020, who works on our product and reviews content