Getting your dream Christmas present normally involves writing a long, heartfelt letter to Santa, promising you’ve been really good this year. After it has been loving stuffed up the chimney, it’s usually a waiting game to see if the big guy in the red suit will fulfill your festive dreams.


Not so for Michelle Heaton’s daughter Faith, who’s already got one of her Christmas must-haves ticked off – her two front teeth have come in. As it’s only October, she’s doing pretty well on the festive front.

Michelle tweeted, “‘All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth’… Well, #babyfaith Christmas came early.”

Faith seems rather chuffed with her two pearly whites, grinning at the camera for full effect. Although, the teething game isn’t quite over for Faith, with Michelle tweeting another snap of her little one chewing on her arm. Well, at least it wasn’t your chin this time, eh Michelle!


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