The average couple spend 40 minutes a day (the equivalent of 264 mins a week) feuding over household chores, a survey by eSure have discovered.


With 13% of the 1,000 couples who took part admitting falling out on a daily basis over simple tasks like the washing up, a further 20% spent one day refusing to speak to their other half after seeing red.

The domestic rows are usually caused by a partner's irritation of bad habits, such as clothes being strewn across the house (35% rated this as their biggest bugbear), and 28% hated their partners putting off DIY home improvements. Interestingly, only 10% got cross with the toilet seat not being put down and strangely, not admitting to unidentified stains on furniture fared high!

Mike Pickard, eSure's head of risk and underwriting, said: 'Forgetting to take the rubbish out or making a shoddy DIY attempt may not seem like serious crimes but, as the research shows, domestic chores and household responsibilities can cause arguments in even the most stable of relationships."


Do you and your partner argue over household chores? Let us know below...
