'The Crown' star gives his wife the best mum present
How much would you like to get THIS for Valentine's Day? Start hinting now....❤️

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, you might be starting to wonder if your other half will get you anything this year: a box of chocs, a nice card, perhaps a pretty bunch of flowers?
Though, of course, we've done the surveys before - and here at MFM HQ we know that what you really love to get as a token of affection on Mother's Day, birthdays, Valentine's Day is.... *drumroll*
A lie-in!!!
Or even a whole morning to yourself, if possible ?
So, it was all we could do to stop ourselves from giving The Crown/Lovesick actor Dan Ings a big pat on the back when he told MFM about the super-special gift he gave to his wife on her 30th birthday.
The Mike Parker actor bought the mum of his 10-month old and 2-year-old boys a night in an hotel. Alone.
"I paid for her to go to a really nice hotel in London while I looked after the boys," Dan told MFM exclusively.
"It was just her on her own - she watched some Netflix, had a bath, ate some free cheese, had a few drinks with an older lady called Debbie and went to bed."
Man, we have to say we LOVE this. In a way, it's kind of even better that he looked after the kids rather than handing them to a friend or relative so he could go along too - because it means mum didn't have to rush home for fear she'd be thought of as abusing babysitting privileges.
Dad was on the case so she could take as long as she wanted ? Roll on Valentine's Day! Maybe some of us will get this lucky, too ?
What do you think?
Are you hoping for anything from your partner for Valentine's Day? How about birthdays?
Do you agree that the best gift you can get a lie-in and some time to yourself? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook
Image: Netflix
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Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015