Did Coronation Street's Leanne just have the world's fastest ever labour?
Not to mention her giant newborn son's distinct lack of umbilical cord...

Leanne Battersby's pregnancy storyline has been nothing short of dramatic from the get-go - and the birth of her baby son didn't disappoint Corrie fans, who were quick to leap on social media to share their thoughts on the baby's arrival within seconds of the show airing last night.
But in the main it wasn't Jane Danson's amazing acting skills, or on-screen sister Toyah's unflappable approach to birth-partnering that had Twitter tongues-a-wagging.
No, it was the speed at which Leanne went from her waters breaking to full blown labour, the size of her newborn son, and - most perplexing of all - his apparent lack of umbilical cord!
For those who don't watch the show, a quick re-cap - Leanne got pregnant by Steve McDonald after a one night stand. Steve's wife Michelle was also pregnant at the same time. Steve and Michelle's baby, Rhuairi, was tragically stillborn.
Leanne's waters broke when she became stuck in a lift with her sister Toyah - who should have been at a fertility clinic appointment with her boyfriend Peter Barlow. Who is her sister Leanne's ex.
Still with us?
Anyway, after a few huffs and puffs, Leanne delivered her baby son - who, judging by his size, won't be making much use of any babygrows sized smaller than 6-12 months, and all was well.
Apart from on social media.
'Jeez, Leanne's baby was born ready for its first day at school!' one viewer commented on Twitter, while another added: 'Leanne gave birth to a 3 month old baby like she was shelling a pea.' (ALL of the guffaws at this one!).
'Cooor, Leanne's baby was like a two year old!' another Tweet read, while another viewer perhaps neatly summed up the whole birth scene with a sarcastic: 'Wow didn't Leanne do well giving birth! No umbilical cord either!' (And there wasn't. We went back and looked again this morning!)
It's not the first time that viewers have poured hefty jugs of scorn over poor old Leanne's pregnancy journey though (or more to the point Jane Danson's portrayal of her) - just a couple of month's ago it was her pregnancy waddle that had viewers in stitches.
But that's what it's all about, though isn't it? A bit of entertainment to bring a smile to our faces - well done Jane! (And after the traumatic Michele and Steve storylines, just what Corrie needed). And - we have to say - while the baby was a *bit* on the big side - TV shows can rarely use a newborn for such scenes - for obvious reasons.
What did you think of Leanne's birth? Maybe you had a speedy one just like her and found it realistic? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook.
Pics: ITV/Coronation Street
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