British mum Emily Marson has made waves on Instagram – and the rest of the internet – thanks to her post C-section tum photo ?


With 4-month-old twin boys Arthur and Finley beside her, Emily proudly posed to highlight her wrinkled skin, stretchmarks and her sizeable scar.

Many of us who’ve had C-sections know that scar all too well, and the pouch of loose skin that can come with it.

(Emily’s lying down in this snap, so that might be why any ‘pouch’ isn’t visible.)

Some of us might even find it hard to accept that it’s there, or look at it in the mirror, and feel bad about ‘the pouch’ and the scar because it makes things look different.

But, Emily wrote, the point of the pic was to prove that these marks and flabby bits DON’T define you.

emily marson

In her own words:

“Okay, this is quite a personal post but I am now 4 months postpartum and beginning to embrace what my body has become, I’ve housed two beautiful babies for 36 weeks and breastfed for 5 weeks.

“My pregnancy wasn’t exactly an easy ride - these boys wanted to come out early and I was hospitalised a few times because of dehydration and early contractions.

“Our bodies go through a lot, a lot of change and your body is put through an enormous amount and I am so proud of myself that I carried such beautiful children and gave them food, warmth and most importantly all the love that I never thought I had.

“With a scar that I will have for the rest of my life is a tiny sacrifice for a lifetime of beautiful memories with my family.

“Your stretch marks DO NOT define you, your scar DOES NOT define you, your flab DOES NOT define you.

“You are incredible, you are a mother and you are the light of your babies eyes.

“I wanted to share this to show the reality of our bodies and that it’s okay not to be perfect because in their eyes you are exactly that.

“#identicaltwins #twins #csectionrecovery #babies #brave #scar #csectionstrong #stretchmarks #beautiful #perfect”

What Emily said ??

Images: Instagram/Emily Marson

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