American mum-to-be Ellie Green and her husband Matt shared their pregnancy news on Facebook - by making a profile and sending friend requests to family and friends from their unborn daughter, already named Marriah.


“Everybody is on Facebook, all of our friends are on Facebook, things fly through Facebook now. Within a day Marriah had more than 100 friends,” said dad-to-be Matt.

The couple post updates and messages from Marriah as though she is speaking from the womb.

“People started interacting with what Ellie was typing. She would say ‘I’m kicking mum today and doing somersaults,” and people would comment ‘Do somersaults this way, or that way,’” said Matt.

Marriah Greene is listed on Facebook as “growing up at God” and “studying labour and delivery at Tummy University.”

A study has also found 5% of babies ad toddlers under 2 have profiles on social networking sites – a trend we spotted earlier this year.

What do you think about this new craze? We’d love to know!

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