Facebook reunites lost teddy with little girl
#lostbear tweets picked up on Facebook, and toy's little owner is found

Last Friday Lauren Bishop Vranch found a lost teddy bear on an East Coast train at Kings Cross station in London.
According to the Metro, she tried to give the bear back to train staff as lost property but things got a bit complicated. So she tweeted: “Tried to hand #lostbear to train staff but was advised he'd be dropped off at Inverness, when his owner travelled York-Kings Cross.”
Lauren decided to take the lost bear with her on her weekend trip to Newcastle, tweeting pictures of the bear with the hashtag #lostbear throughout her stay.
Then a Facebook page called Spotted: On the Train posted Lauren’s picture of the bear – and the bear’s owner’s dad, Ben Simpson, found it!
“WOW the power of the internet and kind folk," said Ben. "That's my daughter Phoebe's bear – she has been in tears all weekend, and I've just shown her the picture and she is over the moon. Thank you all so much!”
It turns out that #lostbear is actually a lion called Roar. Phoebe and Roar will be reunited very soon – all thanks to Lauren and the power of social media!
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