Fake pregnancy adoption scam foiled
American woman faked pregnancy to con couples desperate for a baby out of money

An adoption scam has been stopped in America by an undercover news team. A woman was caught on camera posing as a pregnant mum, pretending to be a surrogate willing to give up her newborn babies. Roxanne Jones, 34, from Kansas, allegedly demanded hundreds of dollars from her victims in living expenses, rent and groceries during her fake pregnancies.
The con-woman was caught after a CBS News producer posed as an adoptive mum. She contacted Roxanne, who was using the name Cindy Stevens and faking being pregnant with twins.
The investigation reached its climax in a secretly-filmed meeting in a hotel room, where Roxanne tells the producer that the twins are due in four days time.
Once realising the set-up, Roxanne tried to leave but was caught by police as she left the hotel.
Police said Roxanne admitted pretending to be pregnant in an attempt to get money for rent, groceries, utilities and other living expenses. She could face up to 22 years in prison.