Fireman delivers baby using tips from One Born Every Minute
The baby was born in the back of a car near a blaze where the firefighter was working

A firefighter has helped deliver a baby at the scene of a huge fire in London – and says he only knew what to do because his wife kept making him watch One Born Every Minute.
Ross McLaren was attending a fire in the early hours of the morning when Ewelina Zimnicka and her husband Jaroslaw got stuck in traffic. Ewelina's labour had started and Jaroslaw was trying to get her to hospital.
As Ewelina’s contractions started coming quicker, Jaroslaw jumped out of the car and asked for help.
Fireman Ross came to the rescue. He'd had no first-aid training but he did remember watching the childbirth TV reality doc One Born Every Minute with his wife.
“I could see that the lady in the back seat was in the middle of giving birth," he said, "and, when I looked, I could see the baby’s head.
"We began to give the mum oxygen and to try to reassure her. I ran round to where the baby was and kept telling the lady to push.
Once the baby was born, Ross and his colleague Richard rubbed the newborn down to get his circulation going. "When he started crying, I knew it was going to be alright," Ross said. "We then kept mum and baby warm until London Ambulance Service arrived to take them to hospital.
"It has definitely been one of the highlights of my career!"
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