Hearing the same cartoon jingle over and over again might have you desperately reaching for the remote, but 6-year-old Liam Robinson learnt an important lesson from cartoon hero Fireman Sam.


Liam’s mum Rebecca Forsyth, who’s currently pregnant, collapsed with anaemia, chest and water infections, reports the Mirror. Jumping to action, little Liam reportedly climbed on the bookshelf to reach the phone and rang for an ambulance.

Rebecca said, “He was amazing, we are just so proud of him,” adding that they’d taught Liam to ring 999 in an emergency.

However, Liam wasn’t letting mum take the credit for that one, saying he’d known to call emergency services after remembering a line from the Fireman Sam TV character’s song which says, “dial 999”.

Rebecca has now fully recovered and Liam is set to receive an award from the North East Ambulance Service for his calm response to the emergency. Bravo!

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