Children searching for a government-run learning site could have ended up accessing a gay porn site of the same name, which was ranked higher in Google’s search results.

Ad was forced to change their Buster’s World webpage, featuring a loveable sheriff dog, after discovering it had the same name as porn site, starring a man with a fetish for men and balloons.

Ironically the blunder has been exposed on Safer Internet Day – a Europe-wide campaign to help protect children online. has removed all references to Buster’s World from its website.

“The naming of this webpage was clearly a mistake and we regret the supplier’s usual thorough checking procedures when creating web content seem to have failed,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Children, Schools and Families. “The name concerned was new and had not been promoted widely to young people.”


Read more about the online Green Cross Code, Zip it, Block it, Flag it, for primary school children. Plus, find out how to keep your child safe when surfing with MFM’s advice on internet safety and take a look at our top 10 websites for your toddler.
