Guy Ritchie’s fiancé Jacqui Ainsley gives birth
New baby for Guy and Jacqui who are said to be ‘utterly delighted’

Guy Ritchie and fiancé Jacqui Ainsley have welcomed a baby girl, in a private London hospital.
A spokesperson for Guy Richie told the MailOnline, “We can confirm that Guy and Jacqui are the proud parents of a new baby girl. Mother and baby are doing well.”
Their daughter, for whom a name has yet to be released, is the pair’s second child. Jacqui, 30, gave birth to their son Rafael in September 2011.
The pair are said to be ‘utterly delighted’ and a friend of Guy’s told the Sun newspaper, “The fact they have a girl is an added bonus – Guy always wanted a boy and a girl.”
Guy, 44, proposed to Jacqui last month.
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