Actress Hannah Waterman was spotted smoking last week during a car journey, despite being seven months pregnant with her and Huw Higginson’s first child.


“Smoking is a terribly difficult habit to quit and sadly I just fell off the wagon,” the 35-year-old former EastEnder, who has been trying to kick the habit, told The Daily Mail.

I have been fighting the addiction during my pregnancy but I have sometimes slipped and had the occasional cigarette, but I am trying to quit.”

Hannah, who released a fitness DVD in 2009 after losing an impressive three stones, believes that smoking has definitely aged her skin, and encourages people not to even start smoking as “it is so tough to stop.”

Smoking during pregnancy is considered a huge no-no because of the increased health risks for your baby.

“Almost everything that can go wrong with a baby, such as being stillborn, or the victim of cot death, is significantly increased if the mother smokes during pregnancy or is subject to passive smoking,” said Dr Malcolm Vandenburg, a consultant and pharmaceutical physician.

“Every year maternal smoking causes about 300 completely avoidable still births, 2,200 premature births and 5,000 miscarriages,” said Deborah Arnott, chief executive of charity Action on Smoking and Health.

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