The Grinch has arrived in the form of Littlewoods this year, with a Christmas TV advert claiming it’s ‘muvvas’, not Father Christmas, that deliver kids their presents. Featuring kids performing in their school nativity play, the children sing about their lovely ‘muvva’ who has been putting gifts under the tree, with no mention of the big guy in the red suit.


From Macbooks to D&G watches, the list of presents the kids’ mums have supposedly purchased totals up to a whopping £1,892 - and that doesn’t even include the lovely jewellery one of the mums apparently bought herself. We’re surprised these mums can afford to take time off work to see a nativity after spending that much on gifts!

While Littlewoods allows shoppers to pay weekly installments for most items, it’s a small comfort that could ultimately lead to further debt and many are angry at the suggestion they should spend that much (really, a Macbook for Grandpa?!), especially given the current economic climate.

Littlewoods’ Facebook has been hit with an angry backlash and it appears the company has been deleting these comments. A spokeswoman for Littlewoods claims that Facebook deletes posts it assumes are spam, but disgruntled posters haven’t been fooled and have taken to YouTube instead, where the ad has had over 4 million hits, to post their views.

There are lots of calls for the ad to be banned. What do you think?


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