Ice lollies are great for keeping kids (and grown-ups) cool on hot, sunny days - which we've had plenty of this summer ?


Given the recent heatwave, we thought we’d take a good look at the sugar content of some of the most popular frozen treats, by measuring out how much sugar's in each lolly, so we can really see how much is in there.

Handy if your kids love the stuff, and you'd prefer to pick a slightly less sweet option...

Keep in mind that kids aged 4 – 6 are recommended to have 19g (approx 4 + ¾ teaspoons) of sugar a day - and 24g (approx 6 teaspoons) for kids aged 7 – 10…

Important things to note

Measuring in tsp isn’t an exact science – some like a level teaspoon, whereas others would heap the sugar on high.

For the sake of our test (and measuring out the sugar in the pics), we’ve worked things out in level teaspoons, equaling 4g each.

Also, we should add here that when measuring out sugar for the pics, we've done a tiny bit of rounding up where necessary (e.g. we've used 8g where it says 8.1g, and 11g where it says 10.9g).

1. Jude’s Mini Milks (Vanilla & Strawberry) - 2.8g sugar / approx ¾ tsp

jude mini milks

2. Wall's Mini Milks 23g – 4.1g sugar / approx 1 tsp

walls mini milk sugar content

3. Mr Freeze Strawberry Jubbly Lollies - 4g sugar / approx 1 tsp

mr jubbly lolly sugar content

4. Twister Mini – 7g sugar / approx 1 + ¾ tsp

twsister mini sugar content

5. Wall's Funny Feet - 8g sugar / approx 2 tsp


6. Ms Molly’s Choc Ice – 8.1g sugar / approx 2 tsp

choc ice ice lolly

7. Tesco Rocket Lolly – 8.5g sugar / approx 2 + ¼ tsp

tesco rocket lolly

8. Fab – 10.9g sugar / approx 2 + ¾ tsp

fab lolly sugar content

9. Smarties Ice Cream Cone – 11.6g sugars / approx 3 tsp

smarties ice cream cone

10. Fruit Pastille Lolly (65ml) – 13.3g sugar / approx 3 + ¼ tsp

fruit pastille lolly sugar content

11. Jude’s Ice Cream Mini Tub (Very Vanilla, 100ml) – 13.9g sugars / approx 3 + ½ tsp

judes vanilla mini tub sugar content

12. Exotic Solero - 17g sugar / approx 4 + ¼ tsp

exotic solero

13. Vimto Mixed Fruit (100ml) - 18.8g sugar l / approx 4 + ¾ tsp

vimto mixed fruit

14. Feast Original – 19g sugar / approx 4 + ¾ tsp

feast sugar content

15. Calippo Orange – 20g sugar / approx 5 tsp

calippo sugar content

16. Nobbly Bobbly – 23.3g sugar / approx 5 + ¾ tsp

nobbly bobbly

Have your say

Do you try to keep an eye on how much sugar your little one has? Or do you try not to worry too much? Tell us in the comments below, on Instagram or over on Facebook

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