Mum to sons Charley, 5, and Beau, 10 months, Louise Redknapp isn’t in any rush to have any more babies with hubby Jamie Redknapp. The reason? She is worried about being fat again.


“The thought of another pregnancy doesn’t sit easily with me. I felt uncomfortable carrying this extra weight around. I hated being fat. Afterwards was horrible too, having all this weight to lose,” she told the Mirror.

During her two pregnancies, Louise, 34, gained two stone in weight, which made her feel unconfident about her physical appearance.

One person who certainly has no problem with Louise’s lady lumps and bumps is her ex-England footballer husband Jamie Redknapp, 37.

After taking part in a documentary about the size zero trend amongst women in 2007, Louise shrunk to 7 stone 10lb. “I was so skinny, Jamie hated it. He prefers me with boobs and a bum.”

It’s recommended that women take up to a year to lose the weight gained during pregnancy, but after Louise gave birth to Beau 10 months ago she put extra pressure on herself to lose the weight so she could pose for pictures – in her underwear! As the face of Triumph underwear, Louise set herself a goal to lose half a stone and succeeded.

It took Louise four years to conceive her first baby, Charley, after battling endometriosis and she was shocked when she got pregnant with her second after a mere four weeks of trying.


“I’m not sure if I can do it again. I certainly don’t plan to have more children soon,” she concluded.
