If you have a pre-schooler who loves fun, furry things, then you may want to look out for Humf. For those of you not in the know Humf is purple, cuddly and furry and airing everyday on telly, on Nick Jr.


Humf is three years old, full of wonder at the world and is always eager to explore the new things he sees around him, which forms the basis of his many adventures with his best friends Loon (now there's a name!) and Wallace.

If you're looking for birthday or even early Christmas inspiration, there's all sorts of Humf products for tots to get their hands on. Whether your little one loves board books, touch and feel or sound books, there are a range of different interactive books. Plus a possible stocking filler is the new Humf DVD called Humf and the Fluffy Thing, released on 12 September 2011.


And if you ever let your pre-schooler near your iPhone, there's even an iPhone app, called Humf’s Playtime, launching in October with lots of puzzles, games and activities.
