Thanks to a news feed full of excited status updates and twit pics of first scans and growing bumps, knowing when your old school friends or the hottest celebs have become pregnant is unavoidable these days.


Who can blame them? News that you’re expecting is always going to be hard to contain! But journalist Jess Ratty believes there is no need to broadcast news of a pregnancy on social media site...including her own. Her friends apparently haven’t taken this lightly.

“I was shocked by the reaction to my need for cyber privacy…Am I really such a rarity in refusing to inform the world of my pregnancy on social media sites?” said Jess, from the Guardian.

“Several friends have viewed it as a kind of social suicide - online etiquette gone wrong. Some consider it downright rude…for not having access to all areas of my life, or my unborn child, for being willfully ignored in my online adventures.

“For me, sharing this personal miracle is something to be done in person with the tangible responses included - a hug, a touch - not a poke on Facebook,” Jess stated.

Jess seems to be against the trend of having scan photos as profile pictures and detailed updates of how "your uterus is doing", calling it "boring, and a bit yuck."

Sharing post-birth photos? “By all means take these meaningful and beautiful (to you) photos and place them in a cherished album to embarrass your child with on their 18thbirthday, but why share them with 200 people on Facebook?” Jess said.

What do you think? Did you update your status when you were expecting? Do you think Jess has got it all wrong?

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