By the end of a pregnancy most of us feel like a beached whale. Tying your shoelaces, putting your knickers on and saying hello to your swollen cankles are all out of the question. But mum-to-be Catherine Tyldesley has got it even worse… at 38 weeks pregnant she can't even see the TV!


Peering over her bump, the Coronation Street actress – whose first baby is due in just 2 weeks – tweeted this hilarious selfie that pretty much sums up life in the third trimester. "Can just about see the telly... #bumptakeover," she tweeted.


But it's not all bad, the 31-year-old also revealed that she's enjoying the odd foot rub from her personal trainer fiancé Thomas Pitfield. "Maintenance level may have risen slightly... #footrub @TP_PTfitness #getthiskidout!!"

Catherine is currently on 4 months' maternity leave from Corrie, where she found fame playing barmaid Eva Price.

Photos: Twitter / Catherine Tyldesley

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